Thoughts on Life

Life is a grand adventure.

From our first steps we forevermore venture one foot in front if the other into the unknown

The journeys we take will be fraught with peril and hardship. We will encounter challenges and obstacles to overcome and problems to solve. There will be times when we feel the way ahead might be too much and the help if our friends and family is desperately needed for us to continue.

Yet out adventures can also be blessed with wonder, excitement and laughter. There will be times when our efforts will be rewarded with cherished memories, treasures and mementos that will become part of the legacy we leave behind. And so we push on, one foot in front if the other.

Our road will be full of choices and at each fork we will make a choose which way to go never knowing what lies beyond the next turn. Some choices will ascend us to the summit of mountains where we will glimpse the promise of everything before us. Others will have us descend into valleys and canyons where the way forward will be difficult to see and darkness will close around.

Along the way we will meet new traveling companions. There will be those who want to help us and those who either intentionally or unintentionally oppose us. Some will travel alongside us for a long time, others, for only a brief moment.

Mindful that each and every one of them will be on their own path making their own choices and facing their own encounters and each time our paths merge, meet or cross presents an opportunity for exchange.

Here we will trade ideas, gifts and the essentials we need to survive. We will trade stories, friendships and knowledge all in an effort to help make the next part of the journey ever better.

Where these paths lead is forever unknown. Each and every step is a choice, a commitment to the here and now and promise of facing the future undaunted in the knowledge and trust of those who travel alongside us for however long. A faith in our own ability to met whatever is revealed around the ever-present next corner.

From the moment of our birth each and every morning we receive the call to adventure. We chose to accept it when we take our first steps for the day. Along the way we have received, and will receive, the training and guidance from others to help deal with the challenges ahead and when we do finally reach our inevitable destination, what we choose to do with all the knowledge, wealth, love, and power we have accumulated will define our journey and it’s place amongst the journeys of all that have ventured before and all who’s adventures are yet to begin.

I am grateful to the challenges I have faced and the companions who have chosen to walk with me, even if it has only been for a few steps. I am very grateful to those fellow adventurers, my family and friends, with whom I have been able to journey with for a long time. It is you who have made me what I am today. You have taught me, advised me, guided me, shaped me and given me the tools to allow me to make of my journey what I can.

As each new day dawns I look forward to adventuring with you and discovering where our feet will take us.