The Voice of Our Youth

Today’s year 8 lesson I showed them Severn Suzuki’s 1992 video speech to the UN on changing our approach to climate change. Understandably the students were moved that a girl their age had the courage and passion to do that.

They then watched a similar video of an adult making a similar plea with the same message. They were not so convinced… Why? This is what they said.

“We are so used to adults getting up and telling us things we stop listening. Politicians, teachers, activitists. But when a child gets up and speaks with passion its different. We take notice. We listen”

So I asked them…. who has the power to change the world.

Their answer …

“We do”.

Then the bell went. I could not have asked for a better end of the lesson.

In two weeks they will be getting up in front of representatives from local council and environmental groups to give a similar speech and a possible solution for a real sustainable issue they are facing in their lives.