This Holiday Season

Thoughts on the Season.

What ever Christmas period means to you, be it a holiday, a time of religious reflection, or something you don’t particularly celebrate, I believe it is meant to be a time for friends and family to come together and share their love for each other.

It is a time to reflect on the impact we have had on each other’s lives and to share what makes those bonds and connections special. It is an opportunity to cherish those closest to you because without them in your life things would be very different.

It’s a time to remember fondly those who can no longer be with us and celebrate the joy those memories bring. Every past encounter with them has shaped who we are and so by essence they are still a part of us, now and forever.

Whilst for some, gifts may be an important part of the spirit of giving, it is wise not to get too caught up in the modern commercialisation. Something small from the heart can often be more meaningful than the most expensive gift or the greatest number of boxes under the tree.

This time of the year we often see frustrations rise. At times the pressure of the season, the impact of events throughout the year, and expectations we put on ourselves and others increases.

However it is a time to try to put aside our grievances with each other. Whilst the frustrations and pain caused by past wrongs and mistakes might be very real and you may be justified in feeling what you feel towards another but consider what purpose would it serve to continue the animosity right now.

For just a moment find something to be thankful for. Find the common ground and the reason that person came into your life in the first place. If it’s a stranger, put yourself in their shoes and consider what may have happened to them to create the situation you find yourselves in. If it’s a loved one… well they are a loved one for a reason.

Christmas is a time to come together and reflect on the wonderful things that have happened over the year and the magic we bring into each other’s lives. It is a time to reflect and consider how we may make the coming year better, more fruitful and prosperous for not just ourselves but our fellow human beings. It is a time to plan how we can make the world as a whole a better place environmentally, socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually.

For kids (and some adults) it is also a time of magic, wonder and wishes coming true. Keep the magic alive as long as possible because, for children, this is often the first step in allowing them to create a world where anything is possible. It could even become the catalyst for a future where they strive to create a better life for themselves and go on to achieve great things.

The world can be magical if we want it to be. It is already full of mystery, beauty and wonder everywhere we look from the sunrises and sunsets to the stars in the sky and everything underneath. All we need do is look.

It is a time to turn to your loved ones, embrace them, tell them how much they mean to you and how much you love them and that no matter what you’ll face life’s challenges together.

It is also a time to consider those for whom this season is not as magical as it could be. There are those who don’t have loved ones to turn to, or for whom the memories of past Christmases have become too painful. Where possible extend a hand to those in need. It just might make a difference.

Christmas comes once a year. It is a reminder for me to be the best I can be and love those around me to the best of my abilty. And although it happens once a year…. we strive to do this every day of the year.

All my love to you……